Jan 9, 2012

Hailey with Impact Dance Company

A while back I wrote a post called "A Dance for Hailey" Hailey's mom Natalie has a best friend who has a dance company called Impact Dance Company, it is a fairly new company but the dream to do this choreography has been in the making for almost 5 years now. Ever since Hailey was born with Cerebral Palsy, Meghan McCaffrey dreamed about doing a dance piece that would help others to understand and raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy and to celebrate Hailey and all that she has to offer. Well, today we had the opportunity to meet the dancers and the dancers had the opportunity to meet their inspiration (Hailey) The had the opportunity to observe Hailey's movements, and the way that she crawls,smiles,sits acts, and laughs. The next two videos are just so exciting to me, as I watch Hailey act out and perform with the dancers without any prompts from us, she was totally comfortable with what she was doing and even commanded the stage.

One of Hailey's dancers summed up our morning by saying " We danced, we talked, we laughed, we learned and we cried" All of these emotions were present and I can't figure out who learned more. Us, The Dancers or Hailey. But I do know that it was one of the most positive experiences for everyone involved, and we can't wait to do it again.

I don't quite know all the details at this point, but Meghan tells me she plans on doing this piece in a theatre, it will start out with some information about C.P., Possibly a video chronicalling Hailey's journey this far, and the finale will be a Rockin performance by her dance company that will captures the true spirit of Hailey. This is going to be a lot of hard work over the next few months, but I know it will be worth the wait! Thank you Meghan...head on over to Impact Dance Company become a fan and you can track the progress of this lovely and heartfelt performance for Hailey.


1 comment:

Guacamole Recipes said...

Appreciaate your blog post


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