Mar 4, 2011

Rolling Around the World with Zach Anner

We are so excited about the show that is going to debut on Oprah's network, OWN.

It is about Zach Anner, who has Cerebral Palsy
("or the sexiest of the palsies," as he calls it)
and how his limited mobility does not limit him from experiencing the world.

“I want to show people how they can get around on a budget cause I have some problems myself getting around, but not everybody has one of these things,” Anner said, referring to his power wheelchair. “So it’s a show for everybody that just shows them that you can see a place as long as you have the right attitude and then when things go wrong you just adapt and have fun with it.”

Here is his video pitching the concept:

“Being around him makes you want to be a better person,” Winfrey said of Anner. “I’ve never seen anybody with that kind of heart, that kind of humor who had all the challenges he’s had to deal with from the time he was born and I’ve met a lot of people.”

Here's a sneak peek:

Funny, amazing and inspiring!

For all things Zach Anner, go to his productions site here.

"When life gives you wheelchair,
make lemonade!"

~Zach Anner's mom

1 comment:

Nana said...

What a great role model and teacher to all.


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