Feb 24, 2009

Grand Prize Winners Announced! & Talk to Me Tuesday

The hour is finally upon us, the moment we've all been waiting for, when we announce the winners of the grand prizes!

I was on the edge of my seat (okay, my couch) as I punched the numbers into my favorite winner-determining website, sure to include everyone who did a post announcing the kidz blog and also those who forwarded an email to announce the kidz blog.

And the winners are....

2nd runner-up, $50 gift card to Zappos, is Gayla from Where Are My Angels

1st runner-up, $100 gift card to IKEA, is Stacy from Stacy & Steve's Family Blog

and the Grand Prize,

a $200 gift card to Target,

goes to....

Tara Eagar for forwarding an email!

Congrats to the winners and Thank You to EVERYONE who participated in the kick-off week in any way. Thanks for helping to spread the word, adding your comments, sharing your insights..... I have been blown away by all of you! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now - the show must go on. So onto our routine posting activities....

By sharing an inspiring post with the rest of us, you will not only uplift those who stop by to check it out, you will also be entered into the drawing for the giveaway of.....

an Instyler! For those who don't know what an Instyler is, it's basically a smoothing iron with some bonus features. So hop on the Mr Linky to be entered to win!


Celine said...

This kick-off week has been so much fun! I loved it! :)
Congratz to the winner and let's continue to spread the word!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners!

I submitted an older post. Guess I haven't written anything 'inspiring' lately :(

Oh, and I've been meaning to email you regarding a youtube that I thought would be perfect for Kidz blog:

There are several different versions of the story. The son with special needs wants to do triatholons and the the father ends up doing the iron man with his son-pushing him in a wheelchair for running part, carrying him on a raft behind him for swimming part and attached to his bike for biking part. It's a lovely story.

Colleen said...

Congrats to all the winners! This blog is always fun and inspiring, no matter what week it is!

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh I never thought to link up an older post. I don't blog awhole lot because of time constraints, but I may do an older post.

Thanks for the prize!! WooHoo!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

girlie...i got my bows from your giveaway. uber fantastic-o!!! they are precious! will be taking pics of the girlies in them and posting soon!

kel said...

Congrats everyone!!

Vickie said...

Congrats to all the winners!

Amanda said...

Hooray, to the winners!!

Nana said...

Is kick off week over?

Shelly said...

I am not inspiring this week. Sorry. But, my sister won the grand prize!! Hooray for her!! She's got a new baby and two older active boys, so a card to Target is great! And congrats to all of the other winners too!!

CC said...

Oops! I have the correct link, but it shouldn't say "headphones for kids". Sorry about that!!!

Kelsey said...

Congrats to the winners!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations to all who won! Woo Hoo! This has been fun, Tara!

Mammatalk said...

Congrats to the winners. Looks like some deserving ladies stole the prize! Still a little green eyed about it, though!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Yeah for the Winners! Great Job, Tara. You Totally Rock!!!


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