Feb 25, 2009

Animal School

Thank you to my friend CC who shared this on her blog. There is much insight to be gained from this video. I hope we can see all children with their 'unique blend of talents, personality and ingredients', who 'possesses their very own exclusive collection of gifts.' May we study, learn, and customize an environment as unique as each child that will allow them to excel as they are meant to.


Kristina P. said...

Beautiful video, Tara!

Anonymous said...

That was so powerful.
Thank you for sharing.

Preston said...

Loved it! And that Nathan looks like such a happy boy!

Celine said...

I loved it Tara!

Colleen said...

Now we just need to show that video a couple times through out the school year to all the teachers as a reminder.

I just have to share that while I am towards the end of this video I actually was laughing...because my "eagle" has his own ways of seeing the video...He saw the circle of dots moving..and if you have a Wii fit you see these before you are doing an activity...Zach starts counting "3, 2, 1, measuring measuring measuring...all done" The things kids with autism pick up on.

Kathy B! said...

Thanks for sharing that video, and for what you're doing with this blog.

The High Family said...

Children are our future. Loved this!

Nana said...

We all learn differently don't we?
This was a great video.

theUngourmet said...

I thought this video was lovely! Thanks for sharing it! :)

CC said...

smiles :)

Mammatalk said...

That was wonderful. I loved the bee!


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