Feb 21, 2009

We're All in This Together

It's still not too late to enter to win the grand prizes. Go here to find out how!

The winner of yesterday's prizes are....

Rachael of Little Bites of Heaven won the popular 'Be Present' cuff bracelet!

and Beth of Odd Girl Out...? won the crayon roll-up!

today's giveaway is: Playdough from TurtleMommy!

We're All in This Together
, by Ben Lee

Woke up this morning
I suddenly realized
We're all in this together
I started smiling
'Cause you were smiling
And were all in this together
I'm made of atoms
You're made of atoms
And were all in this together
And long division
Just doesn't matter
'Cause were all in this together

I saw you walking
In the city
We're all in this together
The city's changing
'Cause we are changing
And we're all in this together
Every twelve seconds
Someone remembers
That we're all in this together
In the kitchen
Of your rent-control apartment
We're all in this together

C'mon baby
I don't mean to rush you
I only wanted to reach out and touch you
I've gotta start to open my heart

I know you think
About jumping ship before it sinks
But we are all in this together
Ask a scientist
It's quantum physics
We're all in this together
And on the subway
We feel like strangers
But we're all in this together
Yeah I love you and you love her
And she loves him
But we are all in this together

Y'know baby
There's never been protection
In all the history of human connection
C'mon darling
It's alright to show me
You don't ever need to be lonely
Once you start to open your heart

I saw you crying
I started crying
'Cause we're all in this together

And then religion
It's a big decision
But we're all in this together

We're all in this together

I love this song because it represents the reasons I was compelled to start this blog. We're all more alike than we are different. Every person's journey has unexpected twists and turns, peaks and valleys. All of us can benefit from connecting... helping, uplifting and motivating one another. We truly are all in this together!

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
~Mother Theresa

I am grateful to the kidz featured in this slide show and their parents who have been willing to share a glimpse into their lives, and provide information and inspiration.

If you have a story, resources, or any information you would like to share, please email me at kidzorg.blogspot@gmail.com.

Thanks everyone!


Mandy said...

Tara once again you amaze me! This is so true!! We are all in this together! I love the connections we are making because you have taken the time to make it happen!!

The slide show was great and there are so many blessings from heaven on there!! THey are a gift from above! We have to stick together, that is when true joy comes from raising these sweet kids!! THank you for all your efforts!

Devri said...

I am new to all of this blogging but I am amazed at all the connections I have seen between people and the ones I am beginning to find. This goes way beyond the blogging world.
I am so glad that I found your blog because just from reading it this week, you have really touched me and helped me to remember some important messages that I should be thinking about each and every day!

Shelly said...

Hooray! I loved seeing Matt's picture in the slideshow. All of the kids are just so handsome/beautiful. You can't help but love each of them. I feel like I know each of them!

Shelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Celine said...

This has been such a fun week!! :)
WTG Kidz! woohoo!!

Colleen said...

I have been connecting with people over the internet and in person just for those reasons...thanks for sharing with everyone!

Stephanie said...

Tara this is a beautiful site!! You are so amazing!! I absolutely LOVE the slide show!

Marci said...

I'm loving your posts!
marci6tx at msn dot com

Amanda said...

What a beautiful slide show of all the wonderful people I've gotten to meet since I started reading your blog.

Bless you, Tara, and the wonderful work that you continue to do!!

The Hapa Girl said...


this was a great post today! AND today is a very special day for us! It is our baby girl's first birthday and we're so excited!

Dana said...

Thanks for this site and the contests they have been really fun. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I love this song!!!

Nana said...

That was a beautiful Post!!!!!!

Marie said...

I loved the slide show & I think I may do the cookie monster cupcakes for Lu's birthday. Thanks for the ideas.

The High Family said...

The Song - PERFECT.

The Pictures - PRECIOUS.

Today's Message - INSPIRING.

Thanks Tara! :)

Hannah said...

What a wonderful slide show!

Mindy said...

I love seeing all those beautiful kidos! What a fun slide show =) Thanks so much for sharing Tara!

Judah said...

wow, thank you!! so true!! I have connected with so many wonderful women through blogging!!
And through your blog I am meeting so many more!!
thankyou for the slide show, what precious gifts from Heaven

Anonymous said...

Yay winners!

Vickie said...

The song is great. My head is bobbing as I am typing this comment:)

The pictures are inspiring.

Congrats to the winners.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my gosh, i won! woohoo! thank you so much tara, thank you!

i adore this song...love it.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

okay, i could watch those simply beautiful and precious faces on that slideshow all day long! there is a peace and love in the eyes of those kids that is priceless!

thanks for allowing us to read and learn and meet up with more parents...you are awesome tara!!!

Suzanne C said...


Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Thanks again Tara!

momonamisson said...

what beautiful children. Now I have that song stuck in my head,at least it is a good song...smile.

WheresMyAngels said...

I love the slide show! Course, you know I am partial to seeing my own kids!! lol

momma said...

the slide show is precious and the song is wonderful!

Gombojav Tribe said...

What a fantastic slide show, Tara!

Jenkins said...

love it, love it!


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