Sep 29, 2011

National Microcephaly Day

Today is National Microcephaly Day. And so today, I celebrate my daughter.

And, I share some facts: Microcephaly affects 2.5% of the entire population. Microcephaly is a neurological disorder where the head circumference is less than it should be on a typical child. Microcephaly can be present at birth or can present itself within the first few years of life....Some children have mild to moderate delays, while many others have severe delays. Some children are diagnosed with Primary Microcephaly while others have an associated syndrome or a long list of diagnoses.

While I was pregnant, we knew Samantha had microcephaly. We just didn't know why. Five years later, I may not know how she developed microcephaly, but I think I understand a bit why she has it. She has microcephaly to teach me. To help me. To guide me. To refine me. To share with me the love of God. And to make my heart melt ~ because we all should feel that. I said it today already, but I'll say it again. If microcephaly is responsible for giving me this gem of a girl, I'll take the whole package.

If your child or someone you know has a child who is diagnosed with microcephaly (or other closely related neurological disorder), you can visit the Foundation for Children with Microcephaly for more information and to connect with other families.



Mo said...

Agreed! Very nice words! And who knew such a day existed but it's now just another reason, among the many, to celebrate my girl too!

Janet "Grammy" Harrold said...

Jeanette, what a beautiful way to celebrate awareness and to celebrate beautiful Samantha!

Donna said...

Our Maddie is like your Samantha! She is the best teacher we could ever have to teach us life lessons. She is the happiest go lucky child. She is our sweet gem!!

April said...

Beautiful post- beautiful mama and daughter! love you both!

Anonymous said...

Burn it !!!


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