Feb 4, 2010


Photo: First day of preschool, August 2008

Journaling: September 2008

Your journey into preschool has opened our eyes in such a shocking way. With us, you experience everything possible—there are no limits to what you can do. But out in the world, people see your brain as incapable and slow just because your body doesn’t work. It is this revelation that has forced me into my “mama bear” mode, essentially screaming out with my words and actions to anyone who will listen—he is a normal five year old living inside a body that won’t work! And there’s only one word for it: TRAPPED. My little boy is trapped inside his body, and trapped in a system that only reluctantly makes modifications. But no matter . . . we will carry on like we always have, ignoring the boxes that people try to fit you in. Daddy and I will always bend over backwards to give you all the opportunities imaginable!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenkins said...

Thank you for sharing that. I think that is one of the hardest things...overcoming our child being trapped in their body. But mommy and daddy are usually the best ones to help bring them out in whatever way we can.

Love the scrapbook page, very cute.


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