Feb 5, 2010


Here are some fun painting ideas, all from Heidi at Adaptations4kidz. She has so many fun things on her blog, you've gotta check it out if you haven't already!

Bubble Wrap Painting:

We all love popping bubble wrap but around here we like to paint with it too.
All you need for this art project is some bubble wrap, paints, paper, brushes(or fingers).
With Junior I start with a piece of bubble wrap. He likes to play with it first and we pop some of the bubbles. Then we paint on the bubble wrap using a brush or fingers. Then lay a piece of paper over the bubble wrap and press down. Pull the paper off and see what print you have....

Sensory Painting:

We just call it sensory painting for lack of a better term. All you need is some paper, paints, and a shallow tub....

You also need a bunch of various textured balls(a trip to the dollar store gave us lots of neat ones). Junior's favorite balls are the ones in the very front of the picture that have little spiders all over them....

Put the paper into the tub then put a few dots of paint around the edges and start dropping the balls into the tub. Sometimes we do one type ball at a time and other times Junior likes to put in a bunch at once. Then rock the tub around in all directions and you will get some very cool patterns. For a little extra sensory fun and a huge mess help your child use their hands to roll the balls around in the paint.

Here is one of Junior's sensory paintings, he loves to add stickers once the paint is dry....

Swatting Flies:

This is messy but oh so much fun.
All you need is paper, paints, and a flyswatter. A shallow tub will cut down on the mess but is not necessary....

This art project is best done outside if possible because the paint splatters.
Place several dots of different colored paint all over the paper. Grab the fly swatter, start swatting those paint flies and see what cool patterns you end up with!....


Candace said...

Ok Heidi, this one is goin' home with me! I love this idea b/c Faith doesn't understand about being careful and she would throw paint everywhere. I am heading to the store for a bucket, today! YEAH!

April said...

LOVE these ideas! We're going to try them!!


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