Oct 16, 2009

Celebrating Halloween With a Tube-Fed Child

Kennedy has always enjoyed trick or treating and candy, up until last year. She is now totally reliant on tube feedings and does not enjoy eating, so the typical trick or treating is out! This year I would like to make Halloween fun still and found some great ideas I wanted to share.

Want to have a Halloween party, or celebrate with the family...how about some fun games!

~ Pass the pumpkin is a musical chairs type game involves passing small pumpkins and gourds and when the music stops the person without a pumpkin is out. Play until there is a winner. This sounds like such a great idea for kids that are in wheelchairs vs. the traditional musical chairs. You could play some spooky halloween music.

~Eyeball bouncing by decorating ping pong balls like eyeballs and having the kids try to bounce them into plastic pumpkins...give out small prizes for getting the ball in.

~Halloween Bingo ~make your own bingo pieces with halloween pictures...you could find pics online or have the kids create some themselves.

~Print out some halloween puzzles, games or coloring pages

More Halloween Activities:
Paint/decorate pumpkins ....cutting and painting too hard...try some cool Mr. Potato head kits

(here is one we did)

~Read some Halloween books ~We found a cute one that is a sticker book, Skippyjon Jones Costume Crazee. You can dress Skippyjon Jones in different costumes. It is very cute! Need to practice counting...check out A Happy Halloween.

~Visit a pumpkin patch, corn maze, or go on a haunted hay ride.

Have your own costume party, scavenger hunt, or trick or treating with non candy items:
~crayons and coloring books
~temporary tattoos
~hair accessories or jewelry
~bouncy balls
~plastic animals

Want to enjoy some tasty treats? Try tastes of lollipops, spray candies, and Fun dip, cinnamon sticks, and popsicles.

Whatever you do try to remember that Halloween is about having some spooky fun, not eating candy! Does your tube fed child still want to go trick or treating....Trick or Treat for Unicef! Help kids in other parts of the world get the things they need to survive and grow!


Candace said...

Way to go, Colleen! What an undiscussed issue! We have struggled with this each and every year with Faith! We finally just decided to take her T or T-ing and let her enjoy the act of collecting treats! We are actually going to Boo at the Zoo, tonight. She is going as Laura Ingalls. This yr she will actually put a flat sucker in her mouth so we bought some pumpkin suckers for her treats!

Tara Bennett said...

I think these ideas are great for kids of all ages, g-tube fed or not. My husband is excited to try eyeball bouncing and I have my eye on that Mr Potato Head pumpkin!!! Thanks Colleen =)

Anonymous said...

Those are great ideas!

Nana said...

Great ideas for everyone.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Very good! Can you turn on the email feature so I can forward it to friends?


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