Feb 23, 2009

Resources to Help Maximize Your Photos

Today I'm highlighting a subject near and dear to my heart.... maximizing personal photos. Whether you srapbook traditionally or digitally, or like to/want to create digital photo books, or simply want great photos to stick in sleeved albums or photo boxes, you should find at least some of these resources helpful....

Photography Tips:

Personal Photo Books:


Digital Scrapbooking Tutorials


Marci of Day by Day won the heart-shaped crayons for leaving a comment yesterday. Congrats Marci!

Today's giveaways are the grand prizes. It is still not too late to enter to win! If you haven't entered to win yet, go HERE to do so. I will announce the winners at midnight!

, everyone, for supporting me during the kick-off week. I appreciate it more than you know!


Devon said...

Thanks, Tara! This is a great post! I really need to be getting into doing some of this...I swear I have 8 million pictures of Dakin I need to do something with.
BTW, the kick off was great! You did a great job with it!

Junior said...

These are great resources, I love to scrapbook and take lots and lots of pictures.

Mel said...

I made the cutest books for my kiddos on Shutterfly, and it was so simple!! I LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing more resources... this is something that is near and dear to my heart too!!:)

Celine said...

Great links Tara!
I'm off to check them out! God knows I need help with this! lol

L2L said...

I'm off to check out the tutorials on digital scrapping, wish me luck. this is one subject I've been scratching my head over for several months now!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links. I'm planning on doing an online scrapbook for our adoption portfolio.

Colleen said...

Thanks for all the links!

Kick off week was great...and hopefully everyone will keep stopping by as your blog is always inspirational and has a lot of awesome links for fun things to do.

Marci said...

I'm so excited to have won something! And thanks for the great picture taking tips...it's something I'm always trying to improve on :-)!

WheresMyAngels said...

My photo's is where I need some help thru. Thank you for the contest and all you do Tara!

Judah said...

wow thank you for all the helpful sites

Dawna said...

Thanks! My friend gave me an awesome camera when she bought a new one and I've never been able to do it justice. These pointers are just what I need.

Emma said...

Thanks for all of those web sites they are awesome. I can't wait till I have time to visit them all. Maybe sometime next year!!!!!

Merinda Reeder said...

I do my photo books through Apple; I've done a shutterfly and it was good; but I liked the Apple results better. I'm a Mac girl, though. iPhoto is fabulous.
I'm not disputing your list, just adding my favorite. :)

Vickie said...

Thnks for the links, Tara! I am gonna bookmark the font sites and also check the others out. Right now I need some mojo in my scrapping and stamping. Maybe they will help.

Thanks for all the fun this past week!

Sandy said...

Thanks for the links and for throwing such a great kick off party!

Nana said...

Hey, good info!! If you are interested Wenda is at my place again.

Amanda said...

Lots and lots of goodies to look though!

Shelly said...

Great ideas. I can't wait to visit each site and grab some much needed advice and ideas!

Jen Sue Wild said...

What great tips!!

I am sure to get a lot of use out of them..

Erin said...

Thanks for the post and ideas!

Dawn said...

I found you through Lizzy Dear's Life.

Thanks for sharing these links. Some I had heard of and others I have not. I'm anxious to check them out. I love photography and do fun things with the photos.

You have such a fun blog!

Mammatalk said...

Just stopping by for a quick high five while I am out on my Blog Jog! Couldn't skip your blog! :-)

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Great tips. Viovio has the best prices for photo books. I have liked all mine. Definitely get the hard cover as they stay nicer longer. Also, Shutterfly is giving away a free 8x8 20 page hard cover photo book until 3/10 with the code 'photobooks' which costs about $8.69 with the shipping. We just got ours today and it rocks! I have a slide show of ours on our blog. http://whitehouse3.blogspot.com.

Anti-Supermom said...

What a great list, thanks for sharing...

and thanks for stopping by my blog to say 'hello', it was so nice of you.

CC said...

I make a photobook of the year each year. It's a pain in the arse, but I love the end results!


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