Jun 4, 2012

Let's Go, Matt! Let's Go!

Matt has Spastic Cerebral Palsy, but opted to run in Field Day at Colonial Hills Elementary School despite being given the option to sit it out and despite the incredible challenge of his disability. What transpires is a boy who is filled with determination and a school of children who spontaneously come together and inspire Matt and everyone of us to do and be better.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is so awesome! I know we just had a fundraiser for Samantha. A part of it was a kids' run. I wanted all kids to be included and so, yes, Sammy ran. One of the boys was so concerned, saying it wasn't fair to her and he was really worried about it...in his 6 year old mind, he wanted Sammy to have the best opportunity and run her own race. In that teaching moment, however, we were able to explain that it was ok...that we can all do things together and sometimes, it'll be harder for others, but we can cheer each other on and support on another. What a beautiful thing to see us all do something together, at all our different levels. Way to go Matt!


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