Mar 13, 2012

Profile Proposition

I have a proposition. Let's revolutionize facebook and blog profiles to be more useful to those who love us  if the time ever comes that we need a helping hand. This is not my idea, but a genius one from my dear friend, JeriDawn, a mother of 5 little princesses, incuding Mialee. I'll let her explain:

One night as I was laying in bed, saying my prayers, contemplating life, not sleeping...I considered quite a few people. Some need lots of help and others a little and some I'm not sure what they need. I like to help people, but I have issues with how to help. So, it is my proposal that blogger profiles and facebook profiles should be useful. Really, who cares what kind of music you like? Or movies for that matter? I need useful information...

Here is a little of what I think profiles should be about...

1. What are some of your go-to snacks for kids? What are their favorite things, the ones you always go back to, the ones that are always in your cupboards? How about special treats?

2. If you have had "one of those days" what is your choice way of winding down? What are your favorite comfort foods?

3. Name 3 meals that your family will always Lasagna? What fruits and veggies will your kids consume?

4. What is your idea of a night on the town? By yourself? With friends? Hubby? Where would you go? Restaurants?

5. Name 3-5 things that are considered "extras" for yourself. Things that you always want, but feel like they aren't a necessity and tend to get swept under the rug when your kids go through a growth spurt and suddenly need 5 new pairs of pants.

6. If you could have a fairy-god-mother, what would she do for you?
Isn't this a wonderful idea?! We do all sorts of preparedness like fire drills, storm shelters, food storage, etc. Why not have information available to people for day-to-day emotional emergencies, those days when we are just down in the dumps, or more importantly if we have something major come up and really need some help. Wouldn't you love if all your facebook friends had this information available so you would know what to do for them instead of feeling helpless? And let's be honest, as a special needs parent the potential for needing a helping hand is a little higher than most. There is no shame in helping others know how to help you.

Okay, who's with me!?

1 comment:

Helping Hands said...

Your posting really appreciated. This post really effective and knowledge full. I am very inspired.
Great Job!


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