Mar 7, 2012

The New R-Word

Today has officially been set apart by as the day to spread the word to end the word.

The fabulous Ellen created this video, and I think it does an amazing job of explaining WHY the word is offensive. Too many people think we're being too sensitive and need to just relax instead of running around telling people to stop using a word. I doubt any of them would have a comeback for this: 

My favorite part starts at about 1:10....

"It's just slang!" you might say. 
"It's just a joke!" 
"I'd never actually call your son a retard." 
Thing is, every time someone uses the word "retard,"
they spread the idea
that people like my son are
stupid, dumb, slow, incompetent, pathetic losers.

Thank you, Ellen, for giving us something to answer the question of WHY we are so adamantly opposed to this word. Let's all spread the word. The new R-Word is RESPECT!

1 comment:

lauren@warmandfuzzy said...

Hi ladies. I am a special needs teacher in Kenner Louisiana (outside of New Orleans) I LOVED THIS.
I also have a blog, where I post on mommy type topics, crafts,and general life too. Would it be ok for my to use this video in a post about ending the use of the R-word?

thanks so much!!


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