I know it's not exactly the most pleasant subject, but I just simply have to talk about it. Chloe's constipation issues have wreaked havoc on our lives for four years.... It has caused pain, irritability, exhaustion, and everything in between. She was given prescriptions to help with this, and we also tried high fiber, prune juice, Miralax, and every other thing you could imagine to try to fix this very significant issue.
April and Chrystal introduced me to liquid glycerin suppositories about a year ago. I had tried glycerin suppositories dozens of times before, but they explained that no, liquid is what works. Boy oh boy are they right! It's such a simple fix, but I didn't know about it for so long, so maybe you don't know about it either and I just cannot keep it to myself! If your little one has constipation, ask your doctor about using these. They definitely work for us.
April and Chrystal introduced me to liquid glycerin suppositories about a year ago. I had tried glycerin suppositories dozens of times before, but they explained that no, liquid is what works. Boy oh boy are they right! It's such a simple fix, but I didn't know about it for so long, so maybe you don't know about it either and I just cannot keep it to myself! If your little one has constipation, ask your doctor about using these. They definitely work for us.
About a month ago, we were introduced to this herbal alternative to her prescriptions (that weren't really working anyway). It's an all-natural concoction called Kid-e-Reg Bowel Tonic. I'm certainly not a medical professional, so talk to your doctor before trying it for your little one, but I can speak from personal experience that this works for Chloe. She has been off her prescriptions for two weeks and also hasn't had to use a liquid glycerin suppository. Bonus: she even likes how it tastes and takes it without complaint!
Do you have any tips, tricks, or other resources that have helped with your child's special needs? Please share!
Wow, this was in formative! ARe her stools very loose using these products? Miralax made Mercede's way too loose, even using a little every other day.
These products did not make Chloe's stools loose. They are still quite formed. Miralax didn't work for her at all. These might be worth a try? Good luck!
Ahhhh poo. Boo. Dylan has a neurogenic bowel so her GI told us to use liquid Senna. It's an herbal remedy that forces her bowel to constrict, in turn vacating contents. Finding the balance of how much (too little she gets backed up, too much and it's a big mess) and when to give it so she goes to the bathroom at the same time every day was a little bit of a challenge but now we are rocking and rolling!
Without it she was going all the time. All day long.
I love her bowel routine and cannot believe how much time I have spent thinking about POO in the last 3 years!
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