Feb 15, 2011

Resources for Social Skills


Effective Social Skill classes are hard to come by. And, often times when you find a group therapy class, it might be out of reach if your insurance won't cover group activities. We've been at this for ten years now and have only been a part of two or three successful groups. We've found Group Social Skill therapy to be a bit of a catch 22. Either your child is in a group with kids just like them and they all struggle with interaction, or you are in a group that has more typical functioning kids and your child isn't experiencing true pressure to interact. What to do? What to do?

A lot of the time, what ends up happening, is a parent is left to their own devices. Instead of a clinical environment, a lot of interaction at home, church, school, and in non-therapy settings like the grocery store or dentist's office becomes your therapy gym. Almost any location or setting can be converted and used to practice therapy skills.

Jackson has just started another Social Skills Therapy group. Because Jackson is getting older and has more ability and confidence, we are hoping this group will be beneficial. Jackson's therapist gave us the following resources. We thought we'd pass them along. If you have other effective at home resources, please leave them in the comments. Other parents are sometimes our best resource.

1. A great website for lots of resources and ideas:

2. "You are a Social Detective" by: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, and Kelly Knopp
(Fantastic book about social thinking written for kids and teens.)

3.Video modeling DVD's and other resources to help kids model appropriate skills and behavior.

4. What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming OCD (What to do Guides for Kids), Paperback (April 14, 2007) by: Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews. (Amazon)

5. What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide... by: Dawn Huebner. (Amazon).

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