by Nicole of Reaching the Stars Step By Step
A few months before getting pregnant with my youngest..I had this feeling something would "go wrong" with this baby.I kept telling myself it's a lie and never spoke of it to people..I thought it was just fear...During my pregnancy with him, that thought would creep in every now and again. When it did I just prayed and let it go as nothing more then Satan trying to provoke fear in me.
My sweet baby was born May 24th 2009 at 2:50 p.m. He was 7 lbs, 10 oz, 22 in long.. Perfect in every way! After being cleaned and checked he was handed to me to feed. We took pictures and many started to come in to visit him. About 30 min after birth he was very very shaky and had low blood sugar ...He was taken from my arms and sent to the NICU. My husband left with him leaving me alone with my thoughts...Let me tell you all those fears came flooding in like a dam that just broke. At this point I had never told anyone of that nagging fear that seemed to linger around.I felt as if Satan was dancing around me with joy. My bf came up there after getting the text and wheeled me down to the NICU to see my baby boy..He seemed fine to me minus the shaking. After about 5 hours he was sent back to my room and all was said to be ok....
That first night he was a fussy lil one and seemed to either be hiccuping or sneezing all the time. But being my third I wasn't over concerned "just tired". We went home that next day.
At day 8 is when things just started going crazy..He woke at 1 am with crying and by 2 that afternoon I called the doctor saying he was shaking and crying uncontrollably. His doctor advised me to take him to the er since he had a low blood sugar history. The hospital admitted him being so young and how bad he was crying..We stayed there two days in which he cried and never slept, THE DOCTOR WAS BAFFLED, his fin diagnose was he had allergies to my breast milk.. So I went home and stopped eating everything to no relief in sight!
It wasn't till he was 3weeks that I was at the ER again, it was 1 in the morning and I was alone..His "doc" walked in and my world came to a screaming stop.. I think I may have quit breathing for a moment. He said, "you may want to get him checked for brain hypoxia." Me not having a clue what that was asked and that's when I first heard the words Cerebral Palsy.
So we made an appointment with a specialist, and the first visit she said he was fine, he just had an immature nervous system..We left and the ladies that came there with me were so happy and I also wanted to be, but as his mom I just knew there was something more.I had no clue what but it was I just knew can't explain it kinda feeling!
Well we went back every two weeks for a few visits, the Dr. wanted to keep an eye on him she ran tons of test and all came back good. He wasn't improving though how she thought he would. She then gave him the title of Dystonia and the mild Cerebral Palsy but was confused on the CP because he has some really good days in between the bad!
We made an appt. to St. Joes Neurologist department when Carter was 8 weeks old,he is now 9 months and we have two weeks left!
I was telling my mother in law that I am expecting the office to have streets of gold with how long it takes to get seen there! They are ranked one of the top neuro places in America!! I am hoping for answers but after so many times it seems he is always doing "good" when at the Dr. We shall see! Say a pray for us that the Lord will show us what needs to be seen!
GOOD LUCK! I hope you find the answers you need!
Good luck for your visit to the doctor. I hope you come out with more information than going in.
I'll keep you and little Carter in my thoughts and prayers!
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