Jan 10, 2010

A Heavenly Story

by Janene Baadsgaard.

This is a special story written for my angel grandson Caleb on his fifth birthday. I love you Caleb.

On a bright a shining day in heaven God called a meeting for a special group of his beloved spirit children. They were the chosen ones to be born that day.

Caleb was excited because he knew this was his birth day. He listened carefully as his Father in Heaven told each spirit about the circumstances of their birth.

One son would be born in a poor village in Africa. Another daughter would be born in a high rise in New York City. As the Father spoke Caleb became more and more anxious because his name was not called.

Finally he was the last spirit child in the room.

“Caleb, you will be born today into a body without a brain. Your mother and father will be told that you can not see, hear, feel, touch, taste, think or move. They will be told by the doctors to let you die because you have no quality of life.”

“Will my parents want me to be born?” Caleb asked.

“Yes. They will love and care for you all your days.”

Caleb thought about his parents. He thought about the constant life and death struggle they would face each day to keep him alive.

“Will I ever be able to thank them?” Caleb asked softly.

“You will not be able to speak to them with words, but you will communicate spirit to spirit. Your voice will be like the breathless silence between the notes of a masterful symphony. Only those who are still and listen with their hearts will hear you.”

“How will my mother care for me when I don’t have a brain to tell my heart to beat or my lungs to breathe?”

“Your mother will care for you night and day with all her heart and soul. I only send spirits like you to someone full of light and love. You will not be tested or tempted but you will teach.”

“How will I teach when I can not see, hear, move, think or speak?”

“Your mother will be your voice when you can not speak. She will be your legs when you can not run. She will be your hands reaching out to others when you can not move.”

“How will my mother be able to care for my needs when they are so many?”
There was a long moment of silence. Then Caleb heard God speak again.

“I will be on her right hand and on her left and my spirit will be in her heart and my angels will be round about her to bear her up.”
God paused. Caleb waited. Then God embraced his son and spoke again with great tenderness.

“I will be her strength when she is tired. I will be her legs when she is too weary. I will be her hands reaching out to others when she can not move.”

You can find more of Janene's touching stories and literary genius on her blog Baadsgaard Bylines.


Candace said...

Tears are pouring down....BEAUTIFUL!

Becky said...

I LOVE this story...makes me cry everytime.

AshleyS said...

Wow. I needed to read this tonight. Thank you!

Jenkins said...

That is so beautiful! Goosebumps and tears. Thank you for sharing.


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